Title: Carousel
Author: Claire
E-mail: moonlettuce@blueyonder.co.uk
Rating: PG
Pairings: Various
Status: New; Complete
Date: 27th Sept 2001
Series: It’s a one-off
Website: http://www.moonlettuce.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk
Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in here belong to Joss Whedon - and bless him for giving them to us ;)
Notes: British spelling abounds!
Notes the second: This is a collection of drabbles, so they’re all really short.
Notes the third: Set the end of Buffy season 5 and Angel season 2, so there are a couple of spoilers - one kinda vague, one not ;)
Summary: People sleep, and people watch.

by Claire

As Anya’s hand hovers over Xander chest, she knows it’s not her he’s dreaming of. She may be many things, but she isn’t stupid. And when he closes his eyes during sex, she’s well aware that it’s not her he’s thinking of. But she loves him, needs him. And if not being the only one in his heart is the price she has to pay to keep him with her in this bed, then so be it. If it takes sharing Xander with a blond, sarcastic vampire, then she’ll do it. Because she loves him, and it’s her only choice.


Dennis looks at the bottle of painkillers that’s taken up permanent residence next to Cordelia’s bed. He knows the vision headaches have been getting steadily worse each time, and the only time she looks relaxed anymore is when she’s asleep. He wishes he could do something, but he’s just a ghost. So, picking up the comforter to tuck it around Cordy, he settles down to do the only thing he can. And he promises that while he’s watching nothing will happen to the beautiful young woman in the bed. That as long as he is there Cordelia will be safe.


Giles sweeps his gaze over Ethan’s supine body, lingering at the other man’s hip, where finger shaped bruises are already beginning to blossom. It has been a long time since he’s has Ethan Rayne in his bed, and even longer since he truly appreciated it. He doesn’t know why Ethan chose to show up tonight, and he finds he doesn’t care. He’s just glad the other man is there, glad he has a chance to rectify a mistake he made so many years ago. And he knows the only word out of his mouth when Ethan wakes will be ‘Stay’.


Gunn knew when he saw the lights still on at the office that Wesley had fallen asleep researching again. Part of him wants to leave him because he knows that Wes hasn’t been getting anywhere near enough sleep recently. But if he does then Wes’ still healing body will pay the price in the morning. So he goes to wake him up, glancing down at the book on the desk. It’s a tome on gypsy curses... Angel. It always comes back to Angel. He wants Wes to realise that he’s worth more, and he’ll keep on waiting until he does.


Looking down at the still form leaning against her, Buffy smiles. She has a sister. A sister! And even though in her head Buffy knows that Dawn is a creation the monks sent to her to protect because she’s the Slayer, in her heart she still sees the little girl that her parents brought home from the hospital all those years ago. In her heart she doesn’t see a collection of energy, doesn’t see a Key, she sees only her sleeping sister. A sister she will protect from whatever threatens her. A sister she will protect until her dying day.


Willow knows she shouldn’t feel like this, but she can’t help but be relieved when Tara sleeps. Because that’s when Willow can look at her and pretend that the events of the last couple of weeks have all been a nightmare. That Glory never found her lover at the fair, that she never hurt her. That she never took away the woman Willow fell in love with and left this childlike shell in her place. But they’re the thoughts that only come out in the dead of night when no one else can see then, and before Tara wakes again.


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