Title: A Time to Regroup
Author: Gypsy
Email: gypsy_gray@msn.com
Summary: Wesley waits for his family to come for him.
Rating: Pg (angsty, slashy, AU)
Spoilers: Up to last episode of current seasons of both shows. (say that 3
times fast.
Disclaimers: There not mine, ut I promise that if they were things would be
alot different.
Wes watched the world go by from his apartment window. He'd been home from
the hospital for two days and he still couldn't bring himself to make the
He knew his time was running out. The hospital would have notified his next
of kin when he was admitted. The arrangement gave him four days to contact
the other man and tell him he was alright.
When he was shot he got Cordelia to make the call. He'd managed to convince
her that it was only polite to let Mr.. Giles know he was alright. He'd
known that the Giles would pass the message on to the others in Sunnydale in
some offhand way. He'd counted on it. It was how the two of them
communicated without raising suspicion.
When he'd left the Hellmouth he'd been able to just call. Then when the
other man had joined him they'd been together everyday and slept beside each
other every night. He couldn't remember a time in his life when he'd felt
safer or more content. So when his companion was ordered back to Sunnydale
and he was sent to L.A., he was more miserable then he had ever been before.
Then he'd found Angel. Setting up communications through Cordelia and Mr.
Giles had been easy. Neither human questioned the fact that they suddenly
developed a need to keep each other appraised of what was happening with
their perspective groups. Link established, four day rule firmly in place,
and both of them missing their dearest friend; they'd done their duties.
Then he'd begun to hear word of an ex demon. He was happy for his friend,
especially since he knew the other man was hearing similar news of a man
named Gunn. Things went on like always. They did their jobs, snuck away to
see each other when they could, and were each genuinely happy that the other
had found someone to love.
Then Fred had arrived. He'd lost Gunn. True he never had him the way he
wanted him, but he'd always moved slower in the romance department than his
companion. His own heart was broken; then to discover the truth of the
prophecy. His orders were clear. He would have to give up his new friends
and his home. There was no choice. There would be no second chance with
Things had been horrible. Then they'd gotten worse. A wedding called off. A
bride left standing at the alter by a man who loved her. It was obvious his
companion had received his orders. The message of where to bring the baby
came soon after. He knew his dearest friend would be there. They would be
together again at least.
Then Holtz. He'd gotten sloppy and gotten his throat cut for it. His was too
weak from his own injury and misery to find Conner on his own. He'd known
for weeks that his reserves were depleted. He'd let self pity over a broken
heart keep him from building them up.
It didn't matter. His companion would be here soon. They would find the baby
and leave L.A., and neither of them would see the people they loved again.
That was the way of things for their kind. Still, no matter how many times
he lived among humans it hurt to leave his charges behind.
He'd been guarding the group in L.A. since his cousin Doyle had been called
to Scotland to help the Highlander and the Old One. Both were necessary to
the final battle, and their masters had decided that only Doyle could help
them. So everyone had been re-assigned. He'd gotten the L.A. job, Xander had
resumed his place on the Hellmouth, and Francis had gone to play matchmaker
to the two most stubborn men in history.
Footsteps outside his door signaled the arrival of his dearest friend.
Xander walked into the apartment as if the door had been locked and
enchanted against all intruders. They could never hide from each other. Wes
felt strong arms wrap around him and he turned in his brother's embrace.
Holding each other close they stood and let the world go by for a little
longer. It was always like this. For seven centuries he and his cousins had
served the powers that be. The three of them were the last remnants of an
all but forgotten age.
Humans remembered the ancient world as primitive. The Powers That Be had
carefully restructured the remainders fo the past so that very little of the
truth was known. Only a few of them were left now. Shiva and Ganesh, Isis
and Ra, Thor and Loki, and of their own family their was only Ares and
Joxer. The two Gods had cared for them since their own parents had fallen
into the Twilight, along with most of the other deities in the world.
Wes could remember standing with the Joxer and watching Ares seal up the
temple that housed the sleeping forms of Cupid and Strife. He'd held his
younger brother and they'd both cried while their grandfather did the only
thing he could to protect their parents. It had been equally horrible to
watch Ares perform the same service for Doyle's parents. He could still
remember how his cousin had sobbed while Hercules and Iolaus were sealed
inside their temple on Olympus.
The three of them had helped their guardians organized the remaining gods
and goddesses of the world into the Powers That Be. They'd worked ever since
to protect mankind and to find a way to awaken the others. It was Loki who
found the prophecy first. "The childe of a Bachae to usher in a new age of
the ancients. In the time of the Key made flesh, he shall be the child of a
fallen Angel, born into their city..." Conner had been their hope. For the
first time in soo long they had a chance. They would not lose it now.
The End