TITLE: Not Gay
AUTHOR: Lilac Girl
E-MAIL: lilac_girl@comcast.net
AUTHOR WEBSITE: God Awful Little Stories
PAIRING: Wesley/Gunn
DISCLAIMER: Characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
and "Angel" are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant
Enemy, Kuzui, Warner Brothers, UPN, FOX, and TPTB. This
story is for entertainment purposes only.
SYNOPSIS: He isn't gay.
He isn't gay. He's not going to pin any rainbow ribbons
to his jacket or be marching in a parade. Purple won't
become his favorite color. Nor will he ever get
anything in the mail that comes in a plain brown box.
Unless it can kill something.
He'll never wear shinny black leather. He'll never
stand around with a group of women and admire some guy's
ass. No matter how fine. Or ever go to a disco, but has
to say Caritas was too much like a gay bar to say he'll
never be in one of those.
At first, he didn't know what the hell he was. His
perfect 100% heterosexual alpha-male world was smashed
and he was left with pieces. Not that anyone really
noticed. Wesley did, but that was okay, because he was
the one who fucking broke him. Left him wondering. Had
him buying gay magazines and watching scary porn. Much
to Wesley's amusement.
He needs his world to be black and white. Vampires are
evil. Unless you have a soul. Demons are bad. Unless
you run a karaoke bar. Fucking a man makes you gay.
Unless you are Gunn. Because he isn't gay.
He doesn't like men. Not like he likes women. He just
likes one man. Likes being close to one man. Likes
kissing one man. Likes fucking one man. Likes fucking
But he isn't gay.